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CBC Radio Interview
Aired Friday, October 13, 2006; 4 minutes 32 seconds
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"An invasion is underway on the Bay of Islands. The first sign of trouble, truck loads of people with strange equipment rumbling into town. Soon a horde of Vikings will sail into Lark Harbour, hot on their heels an evil alien life form, bent on battle with the burly norsemen. Keeping her head low, in the midst of all this mayhem will be Patsy Chalmers-Gow. She lives in York Harbour. And she snagged the job of assistant co-ordinator of this film shoot for the Hollywood sci-fi/horror flick "Outlander". Patsy's on the line."
CBC News Report
Friday, October 20, 2006; 1 minute 55 seconds
DOWNLOAD - 6.06MB Windows Media
News clip: Film production brings Vikings back to Newfoundland
Behind-the-Scenes On Set Footage
Dececember 4/5, 2006; 1 minute 32 seconds
DOWNLOAD - 6.57MB Windows Media
HypaSpace promo clip: The Space channel spends time on the set of Outlander
Behind-the-Scenes Feature
December 9, 2006; 7 minutes 55 seconds
DOWNLOAD - 33.4MB Windows Media
Excerpt from HypaSpace Weekly sci-fi news program that originaly aired on the Space channel - Director Howard McCain, Executive Producer Don Carmody, Producer Chris Roberts, John Hurt, Jack Huston, Creature designer Patrick Totopolous, and Russel Cate of Caligari Studio all go indepth on the production of Outlander
On the set - Cast interviews
January 8, 2007; 5 minutes 12 seconds
DOWNLOAD - 26.6MB Windows Media
MTV e2 Segment - Interviews with Howard McCain, Jim Caviezel, Sophia Myles, John Hurt, and Jack Huston, Featuring the "Shield dance" scene.
Outlander Creature Design
January 8, 2007; 1 minute 29 seconds
G4TV’s The Feed - G4 Visits Patrick Tatopoulos at his studio to have a look at the Moorwen – The creature he designed for Outlander
Sophia Myles Interview
August 27, 2007; 1 minute 54 seconds
Rotten Tomatoes - Sophia talks to Joe Utichi about Outlander during the Hallam Foe press tour
Sophia Myles Interview 2
August 31, 2007; 52 seconds
Empire Online - Sophia talks about Outlander during the Hallam Foe press tour
Movie-Con 2008: Dirk Blackman, Jack Huston Q&A
August 17th, 2008; 10 minutes, 41 seconds
The 2008Empire Movie-con in London England. The showed an audience a special 10 minute clip of the film and then took part in a Q&A session.
WARNING: this clip contains coarse language.