Now Available on DVD and Blu-Ray
Outlander, A Howard McCain film, written by Dirk Blackman & Howard McCain (produced by Chris Roberts & Barrie M. Osborne)
As an age old battle rages amongst the stars, Kainan's ship burns brightly as it crashes into the Nordic coast. As his space craft comes to rest in the fjords of ancient Norway, it's with dismay that Kainan realizes that he wasn't the only survivor. A second passenger, a Moorwen also emerges from the wreckage. A Fierce and animal-like creature, the Moorwen is intent on causing harm to those it perceives have wronged it. As the Moorwen kills everything in its path, Kainan must work together with the Vikings to destroy the beast before it destroys them all.
04/01/13Where To Watch - And Other Catching Up
It's been a looooong time since I've updated this website, and a lot has happened in the intervening time. Chris Roberts has moved on from Ascendant Pictures, the Weinsteins have stepped away from their distribution of some of their catalogue handing over Outlander to an affiliate and on and on.
Of current note, Netflix users in Canada can now stream Outlander to their Netflix enabled devices and TVs. The movie is available in their 'SuperHD' format. The film doesn't seem to be available on the US Neflix's streaming service though.
Outlander is now available on Blu-ray in the US finally. The disk is pretty much identical to the Canadian release and can be ordered from Amazon.com HERE.
I already mentioned Chris Roberts moving on from Ascendant Picture. He sold the company a couple years ago to Bigfoot Entertainment, and has since launched *the* most successful crowdfunding endeavor of all time, Star Citizen... you can check out Chris' latest project over at The Roberts Space Industries website.
09/09/09Congratulations To Our Contest Winners
Outlander has been out on DVD and Blu-Ray in the UK for a week now and apparently it has risen to the top of the rental and sales heap completely "shattering expectations." With that, we'd like to congratulate the winners of our Outlander Blu-ray give-away. Faye and Liam should be receiving their copies of the Viking extravaganza in the mail shortly.
First off, if you live in the UK, don't forget to enter our contest to win a copy of Outlander on Blu-Ray. There was a few redirect issues so if your email got returned to you the first day, please resend your entry.
Now for some amazing news... Spike TV has announced the nominees for their 'Scream 2009' awards show. 'Scream 2009' is a... well it's basically a genre awards show. The various categories include best sci-fi, best fantasy, and best comic book movie. Outlander has been nominated for best Sci-fi film of 2009!
Competition will be pretty stiff seeing how many of the other nominees had *WAY* more exposure. Outlander shares the category with Star Trek, Moon, Knowing, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, and Terminator: Salvation. Either way though this should give Outlander some much needed exposure. Even so, the results are really *UP TO YOU* dear readers. Voting started today on Spike TV's website and will be open until October 17th. Head over to the spike site to VOTE FOR OUTLANDER.
This nomination is nothing to slouch at though, even if Spike TV awards don't mean a lot in the grand scheme of things. Ballots for 'Scream 2009' were sent to an advisory board to pick the nominees. Movies that were eligible were pretty much anything released between August 9, 2008 and July 15, 2009 as long as they were representative of the genres included in the awards show. This year's advisory board that selected the films consisted of Tim Burton, Wes Craven, Roland Emmerich, Neil Gaiman, Frabk Miller, Eli Roth, and Zack Snyder - An impressive list! So go VOTE FOR OUTLANDER!
27/08/09UK Residents: Win Outlander Blu-Rays

Hey folks! We're happy to let you know that we've teamed up with the folks at Momentum Pictures to give away a couple of Outlander Blu-Rays to someone living in the UK.
Outlander comes out on DVD and Blu-Ray August 31st. Check out Momentum's Outlander site HERE. Apart from the film, the UK edition also includes the same audio commentary and picture galleries, deleted scenes, and animatics of the US release. But appart from that, the UK edition also includes a nifty making-of featurette as well as cool lenticular 3-D packaging. You can preview that effect by clicking the Blu-ray thumbnail to the right.
So where were we?... Oh right! We're giving away two Blu-rays. Basic contest rules are as follows: One entry per person, you must live in the UK, you cannot be in jail, and there will be no alternate prizes offered. To enter, simply email us at outlander@solsector.net/ with the subject line 'I want to win an Outlander Blu-ray' (minus the quotation marks). All submissions must be received by midnight Friday, September 4th. The advantage is yours though because I'm in Canada and the cut-off will be midnight my time giving you a couple of extra hours. At that point, all names will go in a large hat and two entrants will be randomly selected to receive the disks.
Please don't email to ask who won. Once I pick who we're giving the Blu-rays to, the winners will be emailed and will forward their mailing address at that time. We'll send along the info to momentum who will ship the disks. Once we've been in contact with both winners an announcement will be made right here on the website. If you want to report Outlander news though, by all means forward it to the same address outlander@solsector.net/ but put 'reporting Outlander news' in the subject line (minus the quotation marks).
27/08/09Faulty Canadian Blu-Ray Exchanges
If you have purchased the Canadian Outlander blu-ray that has the messed up aspect ratio issues (which include both opening up the matte in some scenes and cropping of all the effects scenes) and are bothered by such a travesty then all is not lost.
If you have already purchased the film, Alliance Films *WILL* exchange your old ones for the fixed ones. You need to email Dione Baxter at Alliance Films: dione.baxter@alliancefilms.com. They will forward you the address to send your disk(s) to and will send back the new disks. I believe you will be responsible to cover shipping to Alliance but that is all. I'm in the middle of the process myself so I will let you know how it goes.
Anyone ordering the Canadian blu-ray from this point on *should* be getting the new disks with the corrected aspect ratio. I say should because there could possibly still be old stock lying around that some sellers might try and offload before selling the new disks. I have no info if there is any noticable changes on the packaging as well or not or if they even issued a new UPC. I will report on these things when I get my new copy.
26/08/09UK Outlander DVD and Blu-ray

For all of you Outlander fans in the UK out there, we're approaching an exciting time. The Outlander Blu-ray and DVD will be available on August 31st. Special features will mirror those of the Canadian and US releases with the exception of the 'Cool making of' featurette that you can also watch HERE.
To promote the film's release on home video several sites will be running contests to win copies of the film on DVD. Aint it Cool is running one such contest. UK readers can visit their site here for contest details.
To order your own UK edition of Outlander head over to Amazon.com here.
13/08/09Outlander Fan art!

Wow... Sorry about the roll back on the updates... I need to piece my old PC back together to get everything back up where it was from the last couple of months. Granted it's been quiet on the site, in part because I've been so busy on the home front. Anyway, I'll be gone all next week so I have to also mention I won't be able to get the other updates back up until I get back.
On to business. NinjaLA from over at our forum sent us a really cool sketch he did of the Moorwen and Kainan. Check it out! Here's his intro to the piece:
There was once a movie called Outlander, and it was good. It suffered from very bad distribution and a very limited theater run. this is a tribute to what is an absolutely fantastic movie that was horribly released.
Check it out, rent it, buy the DVD do something. just watch it!
You can check out more of NinjaLA's artwork over on his deviant art page here.
28/07/09Outlander Doing Well in Italy
Outlander has been progressing well in it's Italian theatrical release taking in over $1,126,009 US dollars in it's first three weeks on only 200 screens (according to Box office Mojo). Head on over to Box office mojo to check out all kind of interesting statistics.
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